It wasn't until 1984 that Sports Specialties secured their first authentic license to produce professional sports apparel, with their "Pro Line" series hats. This came one year AFTER the Baltimore Colts moved back to Indianapolis (after a couple of losing seasons in the AFC and dwindling attendances). How then, do these Sports Specialties hats even exist?
The hats definitely seems old. The single color, looping scripture is one of the earliest Sports Specialties styles out there, and the hat is 100% wool - a construct dropped later on, in favor of a 80% wool/20% acrylic blend. While the hat is Korea made, Sports Specialties hats were made by Korean headwear manufacturer Youngan from the go. The Frank bet is that these were already given the go-ahead for production before the news broke about the Colt's departure from Baltimore. Hows that for added value?