Over the last 6 weeks we have been accepting submissions for the
FAIF t-shirt design contest. It is now time to vote for you're favorite. The winner will win a $200 gift certificate and one of their shirts which will be printed in a limited run. Cast your vote at the bottom of this post.
Graphic #1 Nintendo Gun.
This one comes to us from Sal Barragan of California. Not sure if the miss-spelling of Nitendo on the gun was intentional? Nice work Sal.

Graphic #2 Miami Vice inspired

Graphic #3 Have FAIF, by Jacket Comer of Vancouver, BC.

Graphic #4 F AS IN FRANK Crest, by Simon C.

Graphic # 5 F AS IN FRANK Baby, by Hella, notice the hands are signing the international symbol for F.

Graphic #6, Late entry, Fuck Off Bird from Melody Carifelle

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