I think this has to be one of my favorite websites for just about forever, well since the birth of dial up connection and the death of Encarta. Me and my friends once attempted to do the big cadburys creme egg on the sunniest day ever. So yeah the chocolate melted but got eaten and my mum through a fit coz she had to clean up yellow icing off the kitchen tiles and clean laundry.... As well as my sis spewing on the carpet, ewww.

WARNING! If you've ever got the munchies don't go on this website. It is not a solid idea to use 5 jars of peanut butter to make a gigantic reese butter cup. This stuff not only makes you fat but makes you broke. True story.


Don't waste your christmas cash or loosen your pants. Come spend times and cash at FRANK instead. Got heaps of sweet boots and cowies in NOW!!!!