Digging is why I wake up in the morning.
If you're unfamiliar with digging, it is the art of going out, hunting, picking, thrifting and scouring old businesses etc for vintage gems. I've heard many different definitions of this but in the end, its all about the come ups. Flea Markets can either be a amazing or a HUGE letdown. More often than not your time is spent sifting through kids toys, tools, or cheap Asian imports, although there are a few great Flea Markets scattered around the USA. The day this picture was taken was one of those amazing days we all strive for. It was close to the shutting down time so I was shocked that someone hadn't beat me to the punch. I found over 75 Starter Baseball Jerseys in one stash. I was pulling out Bulls, Lakers, Celtics, Athletics, White Sox, Raiders - just to name a few. It would be lucky to say the least to even come up on one or two of these Jerseys let alone 75 in one dig. The person that had the jerseys said they had been sitting on them untouched since the late 90s vintage boom. As far as baseball shirts go, Starter Jerseys are in a league of their own. The quality of the material, piping detail and the fact that they made them for all leagues (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL) makes them stand above the rest. During the 90's, Starter had the lock on the major licensing game. Over the years there were a few different styles dropped including acid wash jerseys, cap sleeved jerseys, sleeveless jerseys, two tones, and much more. Keep digging,
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