Stussy, being the first true Street Wear Brand, has teamed up with MTV to bring you the YO! MTV Raps collection. YO! MTV Raps was the medium that bridged the gap between what was once an underground Hip Hop movement to the massive industry that it is today. It was very influential in bringing the music, fashion, and culture of Hip Hop into peoples living room and was the launching pad for countless artists. When the show first aired there was no true fashion directed towards this market. Artists just made it up as they went mixing sports wear, designer fashion and costume to create the looks that are now iconic. Its only fitting that Stussy, first started way back in the mid 80s, has brought this project to fruition. To coincide with the launch of this collaboration, Stussy produced two documentary style videos, one discussing Fashion in the Golden Age of Hip Hop. As you know, this is our specialty, so we had to pick it up. Enjoy! [vimeo video_id="71973078" width="640" height="360" ] Click below to purchase these shirts,